Still here...and still pregnant :) Little Jonah is a big boy and measuring 2-3 weeks bigger than he is supposed to be! I am 35 weeks and so glad he is healthy. Yes, my ribs are sore, my back is achey, it hurts to walk, and yes- I'm ready to be done. But I also try to remind myself often how precious this time is with him. Not only is he still developing, but I remember my freak out after miss Isabelle was born about 3 years ago. I came to the realization that once she was here, I couldn't protect her from everything like I could when I was carrying her inside me. So I am focusing on that these last few weeks when I feel like sitting down to cry because my body doesn't feel like mine anymore. And I am also enjoying the simplicity we still have for about a month more. I am nervous about the change in the structure of our little family. Of course, I have heard from everyone who has experienced their second child and the story really varies from person to person. Some say it was the easiest transition to make, especially compared to the first child. And some say it was shockingly difficult. I want to prepare myself to feel either way. I don't want to expect it to be bad, but if it is, I don't want to be completely surprised either. I am glad that soon after he is here, winter will be on its way out and we will be able to go on walks and get out to play, hopefully make some friends and enjoy the area more.
Off the topic of BABIES and PREGNANCY- what seems to consume my life these days, even gets annoying to me so I can imagine others would be tired of hearing about it :) I am in love with Pinterest and boy, does it make me feel motivated to get crafty and be a DIY Queen! I have a whole list of things I need to get started on. And I have a couple bags from Hobby Lobby with stuff in them that I intended to start on weeks ago. I will from time to time share some of my DIY endeavors on here! Good and bad, maybe? lol I haven't had any terrible fails yet, but I'm sure there will be some. I need to figure out how to put a link to Pinterest on my blog here... I swear sometimes, I feel like I can't fully take advantage of this blog because I am wandering around it in the dark trying to figure it out.
Lastly, for today- I am really getting impatient with how long it is taking my hair to grow out. I am hoping to get it down almost to my waist, and it is just taking ages! And no I do not think pregnancy speeds up my hair growth, which is pretty dissapointing, considering that is supposed to be a plus of having a bun in the oven. So, if anyone has any tips on making hair grow faster I would love to hear them. I will not be making the new mommy mistake I made when I had Izzy- I went and got the shoulder length I'm-a-mommy-so-I-need-something-quick-and-cute cut. It was cute but actually I felt like short hair was more work. Long hair here I come! :)
Well, Happy Monday :) I'm off to brave the wintery elements to get ingredients to satisfy my craving for cheesy hashbrown casserole!!!
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