So I have been fighting this stubborn head cold for like a week and it's finally starting to take a toll on me...I am really feeling sick today! I will keep this entry short as I am ready to go to bed at 7:30 pm as soon as I drink my Sleepytime hot tea! Although it doesn't knock me out like Nyquil would, it does calm the nerves and soothe the throat, and lately it has been my sanity at night in order for me to get some shut-eye! I hate night time meds because they will zap the life out of me for 2 days after I take it. So I really avoid them....iiickkeyy. Any suggestions for getting better fast? Or what you do to feel better? I hate being sick.
And on another subject, potty training my Izzy is taking forever too. She had a number one accident in the kitchen today and it just completely broke her little heart! This has become top priority and she is fighting this head cold as well, so I haven't been pushing it as much as I was, but still working on it! Why can't babies arrive on this earth already knowing how to use the potty? Oh well, we have had some great chats while she sits on her Dora potty seat :)
That's all I have for now..Hope your week has started off on a better note than mine, that's for sure.
Tomorrow will be better!!! ..XOXO
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, hope you are better by now! :)
The Cat Hag